What is a PhotoScan? What are 3D models?

A PhotoScan is a stand-alone software product that performs photogrammetric processing of digital images and generates 3D spatial data or 3D models which could be used, for instance, in cultural heritage documentation.
The example below was build by assembling together about 150 high-definition digital images (see the technical details here) — consequently it has no relationship at all with the radiological CT scan technology, but could be complementary to it.

Curled up female figure with pustules and serpents, Inner Niger Delta (Djenné), Mali. 12th-15th century. Terracotta • H: 30 cm • Private collection.


Reproduced in:


Terra d’Africa, Terra d’Archeologia - La grande scultura in terracotta del Mali, Djenné VIII-XVI sec. • Fratelli Alinari 1990, p. 56.



For comparison purpose, find below a 3D scan made only with CT scan data extracted from the same terracotta figure.



To see more 3D scans, check here.